
Chasing the Wind in Summer, Chasing the Waves by the Sea | The Company"s Propaganda Group Goes Out to Carry out Wind Collecting Activities

In order to promote the team cohesion of the company's internal communication personnel, jointly explore and improve the quality of the company's publicity work, and further stimulate the communication enthusiasm of the communication personnel, on September 16th, the company organized the communication personnel to carry out a gathering activity in Fuding, Fujian.

On the day of the event, everyone headed straight to Fuding Yujing Village, known as the "Little Grandma". The village is built on the mountain terrain, facing the sea, and is adorned with stone houses with a sense of time, arranged in a picturesque manner. The statue of Mazu on the mountaintop stands towering, with a kind and dignified appearance, looking forward to the sea and returning home, highly characteristic of northern Fujian. Walking leisurely along the hiking trail outside the village, the coastline is winding and winding, like a dragon lying on its back. Especially, the rocks along the shore are constantly impacted by seawater, and the sea erosion landform is beautiful and spectacular. Overlooking from afar, but seeing the same color of water and sky, little by little ships passing through the sea, seagulls flapping their wings high in the blue sky, making people linger and forget to return.

On the day of the event, everyone headed straight to Fuding Yujing Village, known as the "Little Grandma". The village is built on the mountain terrain, facing the sea, and is adorned with stone houses with a sense of time, arranged in a picturesque manner. The statue of Mazu on the mountaintop stands towering, with a kind and dignified appearance, looking forward to the sea and returning home, highly characteristic of northern Fujian. Walking leisurely along the hiking trail outside the village, the coastline is winding and winding, like a dragon lying on its back. Especially, the rocks along the shore are constantly impacted by seawater, and the sea erosion landform is beautiful and spectacular. Overlooking from afar, but seeing the same color of water and sky, little by little ships passing through the sea, seagulls flapping their wings high in the blue sky, making people linger and forget to return.

In the afternoon, there was still some leisure time. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the local fishermen's culture, we followed the local fishing boats and truly experienced the joy of fishermen. While harvesting a lot of seafood, we also gained the joy of returning with a full load. Finally, we concluded this activity in the beautiful sunset.

Correspondents have expressed that this event not only provides us with a profound understanding of the company's corporate culture and heritage, but also builds a bridge for communication between different departments. Everyone learned from each other and shared their experiences, which further enhanced the cohesion of the entire team and better stimulated everyone's enthusiasm for promotion. (Sales Department  Chen Minzi)

PS: The company welcomes colleagues from other departments to join the promotion team. Interested colleagues can directly register with the administrative management department.